Monday, September 24, 2007


Steve Jobs and Apple's IPhone

Five Fundamental Truths (in no particular order)
  1. Justice
  2. Humaneness
  3. Truth
  4. Stewardship
  5. Freedom
...and their tensions

  1. Justice
  • Price cuts being legal no matter the time line vs. justice for the people who "overpaid" for their product
2. Humaneness
  • Steve Jobs being fair to all Apple customers vs. Jobs trying to make a profit for his company regardless of customer's feelings
3. Truth
  • Jobs being open and apologizing to customers vs. Jobs telling half-truths and apologizing only when he was forced to
4. Stewardship
  • Adopting more new customers, with the assumed cause of creating better technology vs. satisfying existing customers
5. Freedom
  • Jobs' freedom to charge whatever he chooses as head of Apple vs. Customer's freedom not to purchase Apple products

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