Sunday, November 4, 2007

Squashing Spiders

I am thoroughly convinced by corporate America that business in these United States is just one giant conflict of interest. Money is money to those people, and as long as those ever-deepening pockets keep overflowing, why would they care where the money is coming from.

It's no longer about conflict of interest, it's about money, money, money. Making it, taking it, and keeping it.

On the other hand, I think it's the job of PR professionals to promote ethical use of celebrity and ethical advocacy (unlike Governor Perry and Lance Armstrong's buddy buddy proposition on this week's ballot.) The corporate world is one jumbled mess of money, deceit, and greed and it's our job in the world of PR to untangle the web string by string and squash the corrupted CEO spider attached at the end.

I mean, come on, no logically ethical person thinks it is even remotely acceptable to promote cancer research with money from cigarette companies, or advertise the ADA on sugary snacks...but it still happens every single day. Business takes money, and if your "enemy" is throwing money at your cause why (from a business standpoint) wouldn't you take it.

That's why everyone needs a good PR person to slap them on the wrist and say "Bad Lance, no cigarette money for you!"

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